miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2019


 Identidad visual y logotipos - Comunicación - SEPIE - Erasmus+
The first Mobility of students took place on December 1st, when the Czech and Spanish delegations arrived in Orte and the host families welcomed them at the train station. Ahead, a long week full of activities and emotions in which the students and teachers would work together on a very exciting project designed by proffesor Mazzoli using TOUR CREATOR.
Before the Mobility, all the students involved in the exchange had seen the film Angels & Demons, which would be the reference for the guided tour in Rome, since the project was focused on some Baroque buildings and sculptures which appeared in the film.

Welcome at School with the presentation of the Schedule for the whole week.
Ice-breaking activity to get to know each other.

Working on the project with Tour Creator, preparing the trip to Rome.

The students talking and having a break at the Piazza di Spagna, Rome
Visiting the Pantheon and admiring the impressive dome and sculptures.

At the Piazza del Popolo, in front of the Flaminio Obelisk.

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Second Virtual Mobility (Brno, Czech Republic)

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